Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Madison Wisconsin Professional Pool Photography

Residential Pool Advertising Photography

Advertising photography on Location is my specialty, in this instance the Product is Residential Pool finished installations. Shooting at the right time of day and correct composition techniques is key to the success of these images. Additional lighting is not needed in this situation, available light and correct exposure creates amazing results. My client was looking for different installations and a variety of Landscaping options to sell their products. Shooting at different times of day and night lends itself well to achieving this goal.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Madison Wisconsin Healthcare Photography

Healthcare Professional Photography

Healthcare Facilities need to be a comfortable welcoming place, photography plays an important role in conveying that feeling to your future clients. Shooting on Location is my specialty, I pride myself in delivering beautiful Interiors to sell your products. Be it Interior Design or Architecture producing representative Photography of your buildings is my job.

Look to Dale Hall Photography for all your Location Commercial Photographic needs.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Industrial Commercial Photographer, Madison Wisconsin


Industrial Location Photography is an art in itself!

Shooting on Location requires special equipment to handle the hostile conditions found in Industrial environments. Producing quality results involve communication with my clients and execution of the actual photography without interrupting the daily workflow of the manufacturing plant. 

The following shots were achieved in a Plasma Booth that needs to be sealed before the operator can begin the process. For these shots I needed to trigger my camera and additional strobe lighting remotely.
Once the process starts I can control the the capture from my computer.

Shooting in a plasma Booth to show an application process

Working in a Plasma Booth with a moving Robotic Arm

Industrial Products on Location

Shooting products on Location is beneficial to my clients as it saves them the time of traveling to the Photo Studio and also helps get the products back into inventory quicker.  

Large product  silhouette on location 

Many times my clients require the photography be on a white background, with small products I am able to shoot on a seamless white paper background. In this case the product was much too big so the silhouette was done in post-production.

For more information on my Industrial Photography please visit my website at
